
thirty days of sharing: day one

01. your favourite song

The Murmaids - Popsicles and Icicles
I had to change my favourite song.

Lizst's Piano Sonata in B Minor moves me to tears; Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No.2 leaves me in an incomparably nostalgic mood; and Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto in D Minor encapsulates an epic-ness that can only be associated to the grandness of Russia. But The Murmaids' Popsicles and Icicles holds a place special in my heart. I first heard it on Kitsune Noir's Swedish Fish mixtape and initially, there was nothing going for the song except for a lovely, summer-esque tune that floated lightly out from my speakers. A few months ago, while listening to the entirety of it all, I decided to send it to Jon, based off the fact that at that particular time, I really liked the wholesome feel of it all.

Then recently, while talking to Jon, I re-listened to it and started paying particular attention to Popsicles and Icicles. He informed me that another track on Swedish Fish (Aphex Twin, 'Avril 14') held unspeakable importance to him; so much in fact that he can't just listen to it regularly because of several reasons. I smiled to myself and said to him, well, Popsicles and Icicles has just took on another meaning for me; sentimental yes but nevertheless, quaintly special. At that moment, Swedish Fish became our mix.

I'm going to try to do thirty days of sharing but when it's asked of your favorite _______, it's going to be pretty failtastic most of the time.

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