
goodbye chinatimes

Goodbye New Oriental Cool Camp. You were very far from cool. You were also a hot mess. To escape your hot messiness, we merely escalated towards more hot messes which tended to turn into shit shows. It was kind of like a hell froze over for 6 weeks type of an experience. But I loved you nonetheless. For those very failtimes that allowed all of us to share, bond, learn, and grow as a collective and as individuals.

Goodbye Chinese kids. You were an amazing bunch and I am honoured to have met all of you and interact with you all. Some of you had insane names (Gentleman Fan Fan, Freedom, Circle, Killer, Mango, Panda…I will NEVER forget you guys). Some of you were a little too eager to befriend us. But I love you all. And I miss you guys. Keep learning, keep fighting. Maybe one day, we’ll see each other again.

Goodbye fellow foreign teachers and Chinese TAs. You were also an amazing bunch of people. And we became friends through our shared crazy failtimes. I miss you guys. We bonded over the strangest things and as a result, we have inside jokes that no one in the entire world will ever understand except for the bunch of us. Some of you were big characters; that’s okay; it just makes my storytelling that much more awesome. :P

Goodbye China. You were extreme. Extremely hot, extremely chaotic, extremely unorganized, extremely intense, extremely crazy. You never really made sense but at the end of the day, we found ourselves laughing at all the shenanigans and the next morning, alive and mosquito bitten to an entirely new level.

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